Smart Book Club

In response to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, declaring the year 2016 as the year of reading, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University Library is glad to announce a new initiative: "Smart Reading Club", which will provide many books in Arabic and English covering variety of topics. This initiative aims to disseminate knowledge and encourage the community to enrich their general information.



Smart Book Club initiative aims to encourage reading and innovation, and this initiative includes, in part, a competition supervised by a group of academics. The jury selects four participants to win the competition, and Hamdan Bin Mohamed Smart University will award them prizes and recognition.


  • Increase awareness about the importance of reading.
  • Develop the habit of self-learning and continues learning.
  • Develop the ability of analytical and critical thinking through the “Best Review" competition.
  • Encourage knowledge dissemination among readers from different cultural and cognitive levels
  • Supporting the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Initiative (Arab Reading Challenge).
  • Encouraging the student community in universities in the Arab world to achieve the vision of the resumption of civilization.
  • Contribute to the promotion of lifelong learning.


How to participate

• Register in the Smart Book Club platform.

Age group 7-11 and Age group 12- 16: Writing a story in Arabic or in English entitled "My Friend, The Tree" in which the child talks about his imagination of planting a tree in the home garden and how to take care of it.

• Age group 17-22: Writing an English topic on “Quality applications and tools to enhance Sustainability” that elaborate on quality applications in the conservation of resources for future generations, reducing water, energy and food wastage, and ensuring the reduction of gas emissions.

• Age group 22 and above: Submitting a research paper in “Application of AI in Sustainability”.

• Upload all submissions to the platform before the deadline.


Terms and Conditions

• The participant must adhere to one participation only. None of the submissions will be accepted if the same participant has more than one submission.

• The submitted work must be original, and not previously published.


• Age Group 7-11 and Age Group 12- 16:

- Entries must be in Arabic or English language.

- The maximum number of words is 1000 words.

- Do not include any pictures.


• Age group 17-22:

- Submissions must be in English language.

- The maximum number of words is 1000 words.


• Age range 22 and above:

- The research paper must be in English language.

- The research paper should follow internationally recognized academic standards and should include an introduction, literature review, research methodology, research results, implications for future research and references.

- The research paper must be around 4000 words, which includes number of words, text, tables, references and appendices.

- The research paper must be original, and

- It must not be previously published in whole or in part;

- It must not be accepted for publishing elsewhere;

- It must not be under review to be included in a publication elsewhere.

- Please follow the attached guidelines while writing your research paper:



• For all age groups, except for the Age range 18 and above “the research paper”, intellectual property and copyrights of all submissions are granted to Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, and can be used by the Universirty for marketing and advertising purposes.

• In any case, and under any circumstances, the decisions of the jury are final, decisive, and no deliberations or review requests will be accepted.

• The deadline for receiving all submissions is on June 30, 2023.

• The jury will evaluate all submissions. The University will announce the names of the winners and organize a ceremony to award and honor them.